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Venice Research is devoted to the research of all aspects of the musical life in Venice, the Venetian makers of string instruments and their work, from the Sixteenth century to modern times. It has published essays and antique documents, as well as presenting precise English translations of unedited archival documentation on Venetian makers of string instruments.


Book Viol and Lute Makers of Venice 1490 - 1630.

Book Violin and Lute Makers of Venice 1640 - 1760

Book Liuteri e Sonadori, Venezia 1750-1870 

Michele Deconet, the life of the Venetian Charlatans

A Venetian violinist: Luigi Enrico Ferro and the Vivaldi renaissance.

Il Teatro “La Fenice” 1810 – 1870: nascita di un’orchestra moderna.

The “La Fenice” Theatre1810 – 1870: the Birth of a Modern Orchestra

The life of Giorgio Serafin and His Bottega alla Cremona
The following piece deals with the life of the little known Venetian violin maker Giorgio Serafin and his relationship with Domenico Montagnana. Do you know that Giorgio Serafin used the name of Montagnana after his death for 17 years? I hope you will enjoy reading these excepts of unedited archival documentation, drawn from the book: "Violin makers and players, Venice 1750 -1870".

PS: All the documents herein mentioned have been uncovered within the various Venice archives, and their specific placement is identified within the Notes of the my books.

Information and purpose of Venice Research Location, address and contact Articles, posters, researches on Venetian luthiers and instruments Links Italian Version
Information and purpose of Venice Research Location, address and contact Articles, books, researches on Venetian luthiers and instruments Reviews Italian Version